WTF Fun Fact 13572 – Reproduction in Space

SpaceBorn United, a Netherlands-based startup, is rocketing into the next frontier of space exploration: human reproduction in space.

While recent advancements have made space travel more tangible, the challenge of ensuring human reproduction in foreign environments remains largely unaddressed. Natural conception in space poses multiple risks. Factors such as space radiation and potential changes in embryonic development in microgravity environments call for an innovative approach.

IVF: The Compact Solution

To meet this challenge head-on, SpaceBorn United has pioneered the development of a miniaturized in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo incubator. This device, resembling a CD-ROM in size, uses advanced microfluidic technologies to condense the extensive apparatus required for IVF. The disc, beyond being programmable, spins to simulate the effects of Earth-like gravity, hosting distinct chambers for sperm fluids and female eggs, enabling a controlled conception process.

SpaceBorn’s initiative not only targets the mysteries of space reproduction but also aims to enhance IVF treatments on Earth. Conducting IVF in space’s varying gravity levels might yield insights, potentially refining IVF procedures on our home planet.

Regulatory and Ethical Hurdles

The path SpaceBorn United treads is strewn with challenges. International guidelines tightly regulate human embryo research. These standards, which limit the cultivation of human embryos to a mere 14 days, present a formidable obstacle for the company. Their planned ARTIS missions, set to embark into space in the forthcoming years, will initially involve mouse cells. Transitioning to human cells hinges on both successful results and regulatory approvals.

The Future of Space Reproduction

Despite the intricacies involved, SpaceBorn United’s ambition transcends mere conception in space. Should embryos gain the required approvals, they envision the subsequent stages of pregnancy and birth taking place on Earth, ensuring safety and optimal conditions.

The recent surge in the space tourism industry, backed by heavy investments, paints a future where common individuals, not just astronauts, venture into space or even other planets. Yet, amid these grand visions, the elemental aspect of long-term human survival and propagation in alien environments is often overlooked. SpaceBorn United’s mission accentuates this crucial element, reminding the world that space exploration is not solely about setting foot on new territories but ensuring life flourishes there.

As space exploration narratives continue to captivate global attention, initiatives like SpaceBorn United’s push the boundaries of what’s possible. Their work underscores the holistic challenges of becoming an interplanetary species, spotlighting the importance of life itself in the vastness of space.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13536 – Digitizing Smell

In order to smell, our brains and noses have to work together, so the idea of digitizing smell seems pretty “out there.”

However, if you think about it, our noses are sensing molecules. Those molecules can be identified by a computer, and the smells the humans associated with them can be cataloged. It’s not quite teaching a computer to smell on its own, but maybe it’s best we don’t give them too many human abilities.

The Enigma of Olfaction

While we’ve successfully translated light into sight and sound into hearing, decoding the intricate world of smell remains a challenge.

Olfaction, compared to our other senses, is mysterious, diverse, and deeply rooted in both emotion and memory. Knowing this, can we teach machines to interpret this elusive sense?

Digitizing Smell

A collaboration between the Monell Chemical Senses Center and the startup Osmo aimed to bridge the gap between airborne chemicals and our brain’s odor perception. Their objective was not just to understand the science of smell better but to make a machine proficient enough to describe, in human terms, what various chemicals smell like.

Osmo, with roots in Google’s advanced research division, embarked on creating a machine-learning model. The foundation of this model was an industry dataset, which detailed the molecular structures and scent profiles of 5,000 known odorants.

The idea? Feed the model a molecule’s shape and get a descriptive prediction of its smell.

That might sound simple, but the team had to make sure they could ensure the model’s accuracy.

The Litmus Test: Man vs. Machine

To validate the machine’s “sense of smell,” a unique test was devised.

A group of 15 panelists, trained rigorously using specialized odor kits, was tasked with describing 400 unique odors. The model then predicted descriptions for the same set.

Astonishingly, the machine’s predictions often matched or even outperformed individual human assessments, showcasing its unprecedented accuracy.

Machines That Can ‘Smell’ vs. Digitizing Smell

Beyond its core training, the model displayed unexpected capabilities. It accurately predicted odor strength, a feature it wasn’t explicitly trained for, and identified distinct molecules with surprisingly similar scents. This accomplishment suggests we’re inching closer to a world where machines can reliably “smell.”

But for now, that’s overstating it. The team has made a major leap towards digitizing smell. But machines don’t have senses. They can only replicate the kind of information our brains produce when we smell things. Of course, they don’t have any sense of enjoyment (or repulsion) at certain smells.

In any case, the Monell and Osmo collaboration has significantly advanced our journey in understanding and replicating the sense of smell. As we move forward, this research could revolutionize industries from perfumery to food and beyond.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A step closer to digitizing the sense of smell: Model describes odors better than human panelists” — Science Daily

WTF Fun Fact 13529 – Beer Powered Motorcycle

Would you drive a beer powered motorcycle?

When it comes to invention and innovation, few names light up the room like Ky Michaelson, a Minnesota legend better known by his nickname, “the Rocketman.” With a lifetime of exploits in speed and engineering, from partnering with deaf stuntwoman Kitty O’Neil to setting over 70 state, national, and international speed records, Michaelson is a man who seems to never run out of fuel—both literally and metaphorically.

However, his latest project, a motorcycle powered by beer, adds another layer of allure to his already fascinating life story.

From Speed Records to Stuntman Collaborations

To begin appreciating the significance of the beer-powered motorcycle, it’s essential to dive into Michaelson’s career first. His roots in speed started with his partnership with Kitty O’Neil during the 1970s. O’Neil set the land speed record for the fastest woman on four wheels in 1976, reaching an eye-watering speed of 512 miles per hour. Michaelson’s reputation gained more traction after his work with O’Neil caught the attention of Hollywood stuntman Dar Robinson. Together, they worked on projects for movies like Logan’s Run, Airplane, the Police Academy series, and Lethal Weapon until Robinson’s untimely death in 1986.

Return to Rocket Roots

After Robinson’s death, Michaelson returned to Minnesota and went back to his first love: rockets. This man is not just about speed; he’s also about the extraordinary means to achieve it. He’s built a rocket-powered toilet and set a Guinness record with a rocket-powered snowmobile. Even his kitchen gadgets are high-speed, like a high-speed margarita maker with a weed-eater motor. Michaelson’s imagination knows no bounds, as he continually seeks to innovate and defy the norm.

Beer-Powered Motorcycle Innovation

Perhaps his most extraordinary creation is the beer-powered motorcycle. Designed alongside his son, Buddy, this unique machine swaps out the conventional gas engine for a 14-gallon keg. Yes, you read that correctly.

The motorcycle is fueled by beer heated to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows it to generate enough steam power to propel the bike forward. Interestingly, Ky Michaelson is not a drinker, making the choice of beer as fuel even more fascinating.

His pragmatic viewpoint? “The price of gas is getting up there. I don’t drink, so I can’t think of anything better than to use it for fuel.”

The Science Behind the Suds

The beer in the 14-gallon keg is heated by a coil until it reaches a boiling point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it hits this temperature, the steam is forced out through a nozzle at the back of the bike, providing the thrust necessary for propulsion.

According to Michaelson’s calculations, the bike should be able to reach a top speed of about 150 miles per hour, although this hasn’t been tested yet.

Future of the Beer Powered Motorcycle

While the bike has already been showcased at local events and won awards, Michaelson aims to test its full capabilities at a drag strip soon. What’s more, the beer-cycle may eventually find its way into his in-house museum, alongside other fascinating inventions.

Interestingly, it doesn’t have to be beer fuel. Buddy, Michaelson’s son, stated that virtually any beverage could power the bike, opening the doors to further innovation. Could we see a coffee-powered or even Red Bull-powered version of the bike soon? Only time will tell.

So, the next time you pour yourself a cold beer, take a moment to think of Ky Michaelson, a man who saw a tankard not as a vessel for a drink, but as a fuel tank for uncharted possibilities. Cheers to that.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Minnesota Man Invented a Motorcycle That Runs on Beer” — Food & Wine

WTF Fun Fact 13513 – Apple Mouse Prototype

Innovation often comes from the most unexpected places–like a roll-on deodorant. Believe it or nor, the first Apple mouse prototype involved a deodorant ball.

Setting the Scene

The early 1980s was a transformative era for personal computing. The market was teeming with potential, and Steve Jobs, Apple’s visionary co-founder, recognized the importance of a user-friendly interface.

While visiting Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Jobs was introduced to the concept of a graphical user interface and a device to navigate it: the mouse.

Enchanted by its potential, Jobs sought to integrate this technology into Apple’s computers. However, the existing design was clunky, costly, and far from the elegant solution Apple desired.

Birth of the Apple Mouse

Jobs handed the task of redesigning the mouse to Dean Hovey, a co-founder of the design firm IDEO. The challenge was clear: create a more efficient, durable, and above all, affordable mouse for the masses.

Hovey, in his endeavor to revolutionize the mouse’s design, found inspiration in an unlikely source: a deodorant stick. By taking apart a roll-on deodorant, Hovey observed that the ball could roll smoothly in any direction. This ball mechanism, he realized, could be the solution to creating a mouse that was both precise and cost-effective.

From Prototype to Product

Utilizing the deodorant ball, the team developed a prototype that was simpler and more efficient than its predecessors. It was an embodiment of Apple’s design philosophy — taking complex ideas and making them accessible and intuitive for the user.

But why was the deodorant ball so transformative? The key lay in its omnidirectional capability. Previous mouse designs often used wheels, limiting movement to two axes: horizontal and vertical.

The deodorant ball’s ability to roll freely in all directions allowed for more fluid and accurate on-screen movements, a feature that would become fundamental to the mouse’s operation.

Impact of the Apple Mouse

The Apple mouse, with its deodorant-inspired design, debuted in 1983 with the Apple Lisa computer, and a year later, with the iconic Apple Macintosh. Its release marked a paradigm shift in human-computer interaction, paving the way for the mouse to become an essential accessory for personal computers worldwide.

Though the internal mechanics of mice have evolved over the years, with laser and optical technologies replacing the ball mechanism, the foundational concept remains largely unchanged. The success of the Apple mouse laid the groundwork for future innovations in interface devices, from trackpads to touch screens.

Today, as we swipe, tap, and click our way through digital landscapes, it’s worth reflecting on the humble origins of the tools we often take for granted. The next time you roll on your deodorant, remember: it’s not just a daily ritual but a nod to a piece of technological history that helped shape the digital age.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How the Guy Who Designed 1 of Apple’s Most Iconic Products Organizes His Office” — Inc.

WTF Fun Fact 13507 – Fifth Wheel for Parallel Parking

Did you know cars almost had a fifth wheel for parallel parking? Why would something so useful fail to evolve into an everyday feature? Have you seen people parallel park?! They need all the help they can get.

The Story of the Fifth Wheel for Parallel Parking

Now, for anyone who’s ever lived in a bustling city or tried to find a parking spot along a crowded street, the challenges of parallel parking are all too familiar. The maneuver requires precise calculation, impeccable timing, and a well-practiced technique, especially when the available space is barely larger than the car itself.

In the early 20th century, as automobiles increasingly filled the streets, the need for an efficient parking solution became evident. The “fifth wheel” seemed poised to transform parallel parking forever.

Patented in the 1930s, the idea was surprisingly simple: it was a perpendicular wheel could be deployed from the rear of the car, lifting the back tires slightly off the ground.

This fifth wheel, positioned at a right angle to the car’s other wheels, would then allow the vehicle to move laterally, making the parallel parking process straightforward and stress-free. With this invention, drivers wouldn’t need to anxiously navigate their vehicle back and forth to fit into tight spaces; the fifth wheel would do the work for them.

So, Why Didn’t the Fifth Wheel Take Off?

With all these apparent advantages, it’s perplexing that the fifth wheel didn’t become a standard feature in automobiles. But there were several reasons that contributed to its decline (though none of them seem good enough).

  1. Integrating a fifth wheel system into vehicles would complicate the car’s design, leading to higher production costs. Consumers might have been hesitant to pay extra for this feature.
  2. An additional wheel means more parts that could malfunction or require upkeep, potentially deterring consumers and manufacturers alike.
  3. As cities grew, multi-story parking garages and lots started to become more commonplace, reducing the emphasis on street parking.
  4. Over the decades, other innovations like power steering, parking sensors, and rearview cameras emerged, making the parallel parking process more manageable.

A Symbol of Automotive Curiosity

The “fifth wheel” is a reminder that even the most creative solutions sometimes don’t find their place in the mainstream. Even when they might lead to less road rage.

Future self-parking cars and advancements in AI-driven vehicle technologies may make the challenges of parallel parking seem almost quaint. But that’s the future, and this is now. And we still see people struggling to parallel park and holding up traffic in the meantime! So maybe someone should see if that patent has expired and make another run at it!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The ingenious “fifth wheel” parallel parking tool that never hit it big” — Hagerty Media

WTF Fun Fact 13501 – Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe lawsuit is a sinister and embarrassing moment in tech history – one that the corporate giants had to pay for.

In the early 2010s, it came to light that some of these tech giants were involved in secret anti-poaching agreements. Leading companies like Google, Apple, Intel, and Adobe had clandestine arrangements not to hire each other’s employees. This essentially froze salaries by eliminating the competition for top talent. What ensued was a scandal and a class action lawsuit that exposed the dark side of Silicon Valley.

The Roots of the Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The roots of the issue began with individual agreements. The earliest known pact was between Pixar and Lucasfilm in 1986, which agreed not to poach each other’s employees and to cap wages. Yet, by the 2000s, other Silicon Valley heavyweights had entered into similar agreements. Google and Apple had their secret deal, as did Google and Intel, Google and Intuit, and so on.

These agreements were not merely handshake deals. Emails and written correspondence showed the top executives of these companies actively reinforcing the non-poaching pacts. For instance, an email from Steve Jobs to Sergey Brin explicitly warned Google against recruiting Apple’s team.

The effect of these agreements was suppressed wage growth for employees. As a result, engineers, developers, and other tech professionals were unknowingly restricted in their career opportunities. Without the ability to get counter-offers or even entertain offers from a significant portion of the leading companies, many employees lost out on potential salary hikes, better positions, and more promising career trajectories.

The Class Action Lawsuit

In 2011, the issue reached a critical point. Over 64,000 employees filed a class-action lawsuit against Adobe, Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit, Lucasfilm, and Pixar. The suit claimed that these companies conspired to eliminate competition for skilled labor, thus suppressing wage growth.

The plaintiffs alleged that the lost wages due to this collusion amounted to billions of dollars. To back their claims, they pointed to emails and other communications between CEOs like Steve Jobs of Apple and Eric Schmidt of Google, which showed that these leaders were actively enforcing these agreements.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Settlement of The Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The Department of Justice (DOJ) took notice of these agreements. In 2010, they announced a settlement with six of these companies. As per the settlement, the companies agreed to a prohibition against engaging in any anti-poaching agreements for a duration of five years. However, the DOJ’s settlement didn’t provide any compensation to the affected employees. This is what led to the class action lawsuit in 2011.

After a series of legal processes, in 2014, the companies tried to settle the lawsuit for $324.5 million. However, this amount was rejected by the judge for being too low. As a result, in 2015, the companies increased their offer and agreed to a settlement of $415 million, which employees eventually accepted.

Reflection and Legacy

The unfolding of this scandal delivered a pivotal lesson about the necessity of ethical corporate practices.

The power that these tech titans wield, in terms of shaping industry dynamics and affecting the lives of thousands of professionals, was laid bare. As behemoths in the technological realm, their actions have vast repercussions, and the anti-poaching agreements betrayed the trust many had placed in them.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Tech Giants Will Pay $415 Million To Settle Employees’ Lawsuit” — All Tech Considered

WTF Fun Fact 13492 – Information Seeking Behavior

Normally, when we think of smartphone addiction, we think of video games or social media, but information-seeking behavior, such as constantly scrolling through the news, can be hazardous to your health as well.

In our digital age, many people often hear notifications, see never-ending news feeds, and feel the pull to browse news apps daily. This behavior ties into our brain chemistry. Dopamine, a key neurotransmitter, drives our desire to seek information and rewards.

The Role of Dopamine in Information-Seeking Behavior

People often call dopamine the “feel-good” chemical. But it’s better to think of it as a messenger for reward-seeking, motivation, and pleasure. When we experience something pleasurable, our brain releases dopamine. This makes us want to repeat that action.

In the past, dopamine helped us survive. For instance, when our ancestors found food or water, a dopamine rush would push them to keep searching for these essentials.

Why We Seek Information

As societies evolved, so did our dopamine triggers. Now, our brain doesn’t only release dopamine for physical rewards but also for intangible ones like information. Discovering new information gives our brain a dopamine boost. Historically, this made sense. Early humans needed new knowledge for survival, like learning about potential dangers.

Today, each piece of news or an article can trigger dopamine, making us crave more. It’s like how we yearn for food or other activities that make us feel good.

Smartphones: Dopamine Machines

Smartphones and apps capitalize on our dopamine system. Every swipe or notification can be a dopamine rush. The element of surprise—whether the next swipe reveals a meme, a news update, or a message—boosts our dopamine even more.

This unpredictability mirrors slot machines. You never know when you’ll hit the jackpot, making you play more. Likewise, not knowing what the next notification holds keeps us glued to our screens.

However, too much dopamine has its downsides. Over time, frequent dopamine hits from constant scrolling can dull our response. Like how drug users need more drugs over time, we might need more screen time or new information for the same dopamine kick.

This never-ending search for information can overload us. We might struggle to understand or remember what we read. We can even feel mentally exhausted.

Balancing Out Information Seeking Behavior

Knowing dopamine’s role in our online habits can help us use tech wisely. Here’s how:

  • Set Limits: Designate times for browsing news or social media. This reduces the impulse to always check for news.
  • Take Digital Breaks: Stepping away from screens occasionally can help reset our brain’s dopamine response.
  • Choose Wisely: Don’t just scroll. Engage deeply with a few key topics.
  • Control Notifications: Fewer non-urgent notifications mean fewer urges to check your device.

Our relationship with dopamine and information seeking shines a light on our tech habits. Technology offers us endless information, but understanding the dopamine effect helps us use it wisely. By realizing how our brains work in this digital era, we can enjoy tech without letting it control us.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Dopamine Seeking-Reward Loop” — Psychology Today

WTF Fun Fact 13487 – Happy Couples Post Less on Social Media

We’re all familiar with that couple who constantly posts pictures of their romantic getaways, perfect dinners, and seemingly idyllic moments – but a study showed that happy couples post less on social media.

It appears that couples who frequently share selfies and other relationship-related content on social media platforms aren’t living quite the life they claim to be. Go figure.

The Study and Its Findings

An online photography platform, Shotkit, conducted an intriguing study involving over 2,000 individuals aged between 18 to 50. The participants were asked to rate their relationship’s overall happiness, intimacy, communication, and trust. They were also asked about their frequency of sharing relationship-related content on social media.

The study revealed that couples who posted three or more selfies per week were, on average, 128% less happy compared to those who refrained from broadcasting their relationship on the internet. In fact, only 10% of frequent social media sharers categorized themselves as “very happy.”

In contrast, nearly half (46%) of those who don’t publicize their relationships online perceived themselves as happier. The unhappiest group was couples who posted more than three times a week, with merely 32% classifying their relationship as “happy” or “very happy.”

Reasons Happy Couples Post Less on Social Media

This study’s findings hint at potential underlying issues. One compelling inference is that trust issues could be prompting couples to post more frequently on social media. The main reason identified for couples sharing their relationship online was to signify that they or their partner were ‘taken.’

Interestingly, the top three reasons why couples refrained from sharing their relationships online were: “privacy,” “embarrassment,” and being “not regular social media users.”

Of course, not all social media sharing is detrimental but hinted at the danger of overdoing it.

The results suggest a potent social media paradox. In a world where social platforms allow us to share our lives with a broader audience, we might unknowingly be sacrificing the intimacy and privacy that nourish a truly fulfilling relationship.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Happy Couples Post Their Partner Less on Social Media” — Relevant

WTF Fun Fact 13484 – Robots That Feel

Robots that feel?! Ok, no. We don’t mean robots that have feelings. We mean robots that have a “sense” of touch. Or at the very least robots programmed not to crush things they pick up. That’s still progress!

The modern robotics field is continuously pushing the boundaries of technology and automation. As a part of this ongoing exploration, scientists from the Queen Mary University of London, alongside their international colleagues from China and USA, have developed an innovative, affordable sensor called the L3 F-TOUCH. This unique invention enhances a robot’s tactile abilities, granting it a human-like sense of touch.

Robots That Feel Thanks to the L3 F-TOUCH Sensor

A principal objective in robotics has been achieving human-level dexterity, specifically during manipulation and grasping tasks. The human hand’s ability to sense factors such as pressure, temperature, texture, and pain, in addition to distinguishing objects based on properties like shape, size, and weight, has set the standard.

Until now, many robot hands or graspers have fallen short, lacking these vital haptic capabilities. As you might imagine, this makes handling objects a complicated task. Robots’ fingers lack the “feel of touch,” resulting in objects slipping away or being unintentionally crushed if fragile. And that’s not something we want if we’re ever going to let them work with people, like the elderly.

Mechanics and Functionality

Leading the groundbreaking study, Professor Kaspar Althoefer of Queen Mary University of London and his team, introduces the L3 F-TOUCH. The name stands for Lightweight, Low-cost, and wireless communication. It’s a high-resolution fingertip sensor that directly measures an object’s geometry and the forces necessary to interact with it.

This sensor sets itself apart from others in its league that estimate interaction forces via camera-acquired tactile information. The L3 F-TOUCH takes a direct approach, achieving a higher measurement accuracy.

Professor Althoefer and his team plan to further enhance the sensor’s capabilities. They aim to add rotational forces such as twists, vital in tasks like screw fastening.

These advancements could extend the sense of touch to more dynamic and agile robots, improving their functionality in manipulation tasks and even in human-robot interaction settings, such as patient rehabilitation or physical support for the elderly.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Researchers develop low-cost sensor to enhance robots’ sense of touch” — ScienceDaily